In 2020 fires in El Pantanal, Brasil spread unchecked through a large forest. Species already struggling to survive were pushed further into extinction at an alarming rate. Panthera together with locals worked together to save Jaguars and other wild species. With your support Wimok was able to send money to help them in their conservation efforts.
"It is with great sadness that we ask for your donations, these will be sent to El Pantanal for firefighting efforts and covid-19 relief assistance." - April Kelly. Pantanal wildlife biologist and documentarist.
Wimok appreciates your support. With your help we were able to support the NEX Institute to aid the Pantanal's wildlife. Today, the situation is under control, and many animals have completed their rehabilitation and returned to the wild. Your assistance makes a significant difference.
- Wimok
Video. Instituto NEX - October 20th 2020
In 2000, the Pantanal, home to hundreds of wild species such as the jaguar, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, being known as the largest tropical wetland in the world.
Until now it is inhabited by approximately 3,500 known plant species, 700 bird species, 265 fish species, 95 mammal species and 162 reptile species; however, new flora and fauna are still being documented and studied here, which makes the Pantanal an extremely important biological point with the jaguar as a key species; playing an extremely important role in regulating the populations of prey species.
It is found mainly in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, southwestern Brazil, just below the Amazon rainforest, and depending on the year's floods and droughts it is estimated that this place has 140,000 and 195,000 square kilometers.
Fires in El Pantanal are not something irregular, in fact every dry season fires occur naturally; however, after this comes the rainy season, followed by seasonal flooding throughout the region. This hydrological cycle naturally keeps these fires in check, but this year the rains and flooding were extremely light, resulting in the driest rainy season in 50 years. Forest fires have a series of negative effects on the environment and the people who inhabit the area. They directly kill a wide variety of species (large and small), especially when the animals cannot quickly escape the flames. Species already struggling to survive are now being pushed further into extinction at an alarming rate. In addition to direct death by fire, many animals lose their shelter, dens, and food sources, especially in riparian forest areas. Apart from this, when the rains finally come, tons of ash will find their way into river systems and lagoons, killing millions of fish and fouling water sources. These naturally-extinguishing fires have not done so this season and instead are spreading unchecked through a large forest. Fires thought to have been put out are unfortunately making a comeback days later as they continue to burn below the surface. Once the fire enters the root systems, it can travel underground and appear to be out, but it actually burns there for a few days, and in the afternoon heat it can reignite.
Fotos. @umbichopretoparaamar, @nex_noextinction. @jaguarecologicalreserve
This situation combined with the current economic crisis in Brazil and the lack of government resources, have forced the inhabitants of the Pantanal to take matters into their own hands in an attempt to extinguish the fires. Many tour operators, lodge owners have volunteered to help fight the fires, have given their safari trucks to carry water and have prepared their jaguar-watching boats to fight the river fires; they have even opened the doors of their shelter to accommodate all the firefighters who enter, providing food and water, and now also, at the front of the ranks, they are desperately trying to save what they still can, BUT ALL THIS IS NOT ENOUGH, BRAZIL NEEDS OUR HELP.
Foto, autor desconocido.